So...I know that it has been a long time since I have really posted anything of worth. First, I thought that I should explain my initial absence. The first week was because I was busy busy busy planning a party. Between trying to get ready for it and watching miss princess, I had no time to post. The night of the party, I found out some tragic news.
My friend Heidi lost her husband. He was murdered earlier in the week at one of the properties he was renovating. After this happened I was so deeply saddened for her and lost all motivation to write about anything. Heidi is so very special to me and it broke my heart for this to have happened to her. She, of all people, did not deserve this. (Not that any does, but her especially) I did not get to help her out a lot during the time that she really really needed people, but I hope that what little I could do was enough. I still get sad for her when I think about what she is missing. Her husband was such a generous man and was so excited about their upcoming baby boy. Heidi delivered a few weeks after his murder and I am sure it was a bitter sweet moment for her. For weeks I couldn't get up the strength to post anything. Mostly because, compared to what she was going through, it would have just seemed silly. She has now moved back home to Wisconsin and I truly think that it is going to be very good for her. Especially since she has three little ones now all on her own. I miss her every day and wish her the best every night in my own silent prayers.
As for the rest of my absence, I have just been tired!!!! I don't remember being this tired when I was pregnant with Ember, but I must have been. We have had two ultrasounds so far. The first one I have already posted.
The second one is here: 

Not the best, I know. We do not find out what we are having until July 28th . I am hoping for a girl simply because we already have tons of girl stuff. I KNOW that this means we are having a boy. Of course, the huz wants a boy, but we both agree that healthy is best. However, if not, we feel we can deal with whatever comes our way. We are prepared for anything. (almost)
We also have welcomed a new cousin for Ember into the family. My Bother-in-law and Sister-in-law had a beautiful baby girl May 23. Congrats to you both and welcome to parenthood! It is the best!!!!
So...not much of an update, but that is all I have motivation for right now! I hope everyone has a great holiday. We are going to go on vacation next week so I hope to post some pictures when we get back! Ta! Ta!
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