Monday, March 1, 2010

Catching up Monday

Since I typically do not get a chance to post anything over the weekends, I thought that I would make Mondays my catch up day.

Over the weekend I learned that another BA baby had been sent to heaven. I did not know this family at all, but it does hit close to home. The little girl was 10 1/2 months old and had just received part of her mother’s liver on Monday. She passed Friday or Saturday I believe. There are no words to express my sadness over this news. If only we could find a cause and then a cure for this disease.

To get the sad news out of the way first, sorry guys, I also learned that some friends of the family lost their 21 year old son on Saturday. It was such a sad circumstance and my heart truly goes out to the family.

Now, on to happier thoughts. Last night we got to meet Jax's dad and sister. I had already met his mom and Jax. The huz got to meet the family though so it was nice. We took Monkey and Mouse over to see them while I delivered some items that I made for them. It was so nice to be able to sit and visit with them. I love talking to other BA families. I think that it helps bring them hope. I also think that we owe it to Monkey's angel and other families to help them through this disease; whatever the outcome. Monkey was upset when we left. She wanted to stay and play with Jax's sister some more. I promised more play dates soon.

I am SO happy that it is March it's not even funny. I hope that it starts to get warmer around here. I am SO tired of the dreary grey and wet. I know that it will probably rain a lot the next few weeks, but it's better than snow. I like snow, but this time around I just seem ready for spring. I think that it is because Monkey needs to get outside and play. Plus, I want to get on my skates at the local park.

We got a crib for Mouse this weekend. Thanks mom and dad! Now we just need to get a mattress and put it together. She is growing out of her basinet SO quickly. Monkey was in her basinet for 7 months almost. I can't believe how different it is to have a healthy little one in the house. Mouse is going to be giving Monkey a run for her money soon. She is going to be rolling in no time. I can't wait to watch them play together. It is going to be so sweet.

And at last, today is the day I fid out if I made the derby league or not. Try outs are today and then they will call us all afterwards, once they have decided, to let us know if we made it. I am actually nervous. I know that I should have been doing something this past week to try to up my chances, but it didn't happen. No one's fault but my own. I have decided that even if I don't make it, I am going to volunteer to help out. Then, in a few months, when try outs open up again I will try again. And keep trying until I make it.


  1. So sad to hear about the loss you have had to deal with over the weekend!

    Good luck to you on the derby try-outs! I hope you get some good news!

  2. Paying it forward.....I love that you feel that you have a responsibility to Ember's angel to share your story and help others.

    “For of those to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48)

  3. So sorry to hear someone lost their wee babe. It's always so difficult for everyone and for those that it hits close to home.

    Hope Mouse takes to her crib without any problems... and Good Luck with getting on the team. Still can't believe you use to do derby.. lol too sweet to be a rough and tough roller derby girl...

    Jax is still in our prayers...
