Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.....Such a sweet little Reindeer

Since it is a cold and snowy day here, I thought I would post a picture of the cutest little reindeer you could ever hope to see.  The reindeer suit served as Mouse's snow suit for awhile before and after Christmas since she was in newborns for so long. (Now she is growing out of everything in a matter of days!)


  1. Both your girls are rein-"dears" Remember Monkey in her antlers a year or so ago?

  2. She's so tiny and absolutely adorable!!

  3. I love the suit. Stopping from SITS!

  4. What a cutie pie... they grow up so fast.

  5. ooooooo One of those kind of pictures to show her boyfriend when he comes over right before the Prom. LOL I'm a bad Mommy! LOL

  6. Oh absolutely the cutest reindeer I've ever seen.

  7. awwww tooo cute! Thanks for dropping by the other day sorry i havent been by to say thanks sooner but ive been really sick...almost all better now so here i am to say thanks! If u do get the chance to watch food inc take it :) it is worth the watch i reckon :) did u get to read that article on my post? what did u think?

  8. She IS the cutest reindeer I've ever seen!!

  9. So flippin' cute! I can't wait to dress up my will be 2 month old at Christmas next year! Thank you for leaving me your thoughts about the nursery...your advice is super helpful!

  10. how sweet! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!
